
End of Week 4 + Potentialness

Why hello there Internet, fancy seeing you here. Long time no type, eh?

First off, today is my little brother's birthday. ... Crap. I have to text him happy birthday!! My priorities are awesome. I tell the internet it's my brother's birthday before I actually wish him a happy one. I facepalm in my general direction.

So this week actually went fairly well, despite not starting off so great. Jon came down with something over the weekend and he ended up not being able to hold anything down on Monday so I took the night off of school {he did as well, obviously} to take care of him. Other than that, on all the tests we did, I received an "A". Even on my paper! Which was pretty awesome. Though I have -no-clue- how Rusty managed an "A" on his. Seriously, that thing made my inner Grammar Nazi go absolutely -bonkers-. The herb & spice test wasn't really all that difficult, either. Thankfully there was extra credit, though, or else most of us would've been screwed. Rusty and Michelle said they're putting their tests on the fridge because they both finally did better than Jon and I on something {they both had 100%s, Jon and I didn't fare quite as well}.

I made muffins on Wednesday morning! They pretty much rocked. Jon said so. I meant to give one each to Michelle and Rusty, especially when they came over after school for the night, but I forgot. And I felt stupid. Go me.

So we've been having a little bit of trouble actually getting ahold of the Financial Aid office to receive our stipends. Jon did manage to talk to someone there today so hopefully -something- will get through. We're running rather low on funds and neither of us have a job at the moment AND bills are coming. BUT we'll be filling out applications today so it's not like we're standing around waiting for something to happen.

Anywho, on to something a little more optimistic.. Or not, depending on how you look at it. 

So I bought this game that recently came out that was advertised by Seth Green. It's called Dragon Quest IX. And.. I've already put 40+ hours into it. Since Sunday. And that's just when I last checked yesterday. Rusty asked me how I managed to do anything regarding school when that game has pretty much become a job. I honestly have no clue. I didn't think my time management skills were really that epic but I received over 90% on everything I did this week so they must be pretty awesome.

Rusty also let me borrow Final Fantasy XIII. I haven't made it too far, but the graphics are pretty, at least. The battle system is interesting but I'm not sure how I feel about being rated for every battle that commences. I'm hoping the storyline will pick up a little, and when I find out, it shall be more fluff for another blog.

On another note, since our lease is up in November, we're looking at other potential apartments. What makes it even better is that we're hoping we can move into an apartment with Michelle and Rusty, so we can all live near the school. It'll be nice to actually have people that are around and want to go out and do stuff. And I've never had an actual room-mate that I wasn't significantly attached to, so I'm kinda excited to live with them. Well, I'm crossing my fingers it happens because then we can all chip in to live somewhere nice and I think it'll be fun. Besides, we'll all be going to school together until April 2012, so why not, right?

But anywho, kinda hoping this weekend will be all well and good. Jon and I are going to a friend's party tonight, and we're going to my step-uncle's birthday party tomorrow {he's the one who -always- makes a cheesecake and -always- lets me have the first piece AND the rest of it after parties, so of course I'm going}.

I think I'll go ahead and busy myself with drawing up potential tattoos. They've been on my mind lately so I might as well get them on paper. Maybe I'll put up pictures when they're done.

Ta ta for now!

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Production Overdrive

... has been put on standby until morning. Morning as in.. about 4 hours from now. I've compiled a list of things I need/want to get done, with the most important ones at the top. Obviously. 

But that's not really all that interesting so I suppose I might as well move on to something a little better, eh? 

Well, in all honesty, nothing really all that new has happened. I'm halfway through my third week of school and already I feel like I should be using my sleeping time as study/knife practice time. Not because it's difficult or anything, I just don't want to get behind or slack like I did in high school. Which -sucked-ROYALLY-, by the way.

... It's insanely difficult to focus on typing anything when I have Boomerang on the television while Cheschire and Freha are busy causing havoc and chasing each other. Honestly, I bet they sleep while we're at school -just- so they can be up all frickin' night purely to torture me. At least Jon can sleep through it. I can't. It wracks my nerves, man! They need a time-out. Seriously.

UGH HOW CAN HE SLEEP THROUGH THIS WRACKET?!?!?! And not just the cats either! The TV is -ridiculous- with its noises and such. ... Why the frick am I complaining when I have the remote right next to me? Damn laziness.. And screw procrastination. {...As I keep typing up this blog instead of doing the stuff on my list or turning down the volume/changing the channel on the TV}

But anywho, I suppose I can be part-way productive by looking up the herbs and spices we're required to know. Maybe. But the notebook is all the way over -there-, in the -backpack-. 

... Are they seriously making Star Trek references through single-letter-in-the-original-name-change on Dexter's Lab? Yes. Yes they are. I'm clearly not normal enough to be bothered by this.

So.. Chyea. I don't have much to say.. {sorry Internet, don't worry, we can still enjoy the coffee in silence}


"Some rules are made with all intentions to break
And she defends it with a warped rationale.
And I've seen what happens to the wicked and proud
When they decide to try to take on the throne for the crown."

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A "Nothing" Saturday

Well, I'm incredibly happy to say that this week has been incredibly successful! 

All of the tests I took for class I have passed {well, there was a written knife-cut test.. but thankfully we get two more tries at it. I still got a higher score than Jonathan and personally, that's all that matters. :D} so it makes me hopeful to see the score on the last test we took for College Success. But I mean really, it was all common sense, y'know? Don't cheat, utilize your resources, make sure you know who to go to for what, you have to become a cook before you can become a chef, etc. Overall, I.. well, -we-, are both doing really well in school and I can actually keep up with the friendly competition! Although we do have something of a little paper due on Wednesday, but it's not like this humongous essay with pages of double-spaced typing and pages of sources and such. Ha. I'm so happy culinary school is nothing like high school. Everything is so much more direct and to the point. I don't have to add fluff to my papers anymore! :D

Then yesterday, we hung out and shopped at the Mall of America with Rusty, Michelle, and their friend Jake {I think I got that right.. correct me if I'm wrong guys!} and saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was pretty decent, but I think I was expecting more out of a movie based off of Fantasia. I mean, the end battle definitely could've had more swooooosh to it instead of pewpewpewpewpew, but overall it wasn't bad.

And now, the very best part. A WHOLE SATURDAY OF NOTHING! I'm stoked! We -never-ever-ever-EVER-NO-WAY-NO-HOW-FAT-CHANCE-LARRY-MOE-CURLY have a free Saturday, much less a free weekend, or really, free anything. It'll be nice to do things at our own luxury today.

Well, I suppose that's really all that's gone on lately. Besides disturbing new Saturday morning cartoons. I mean really, they just don't make them like they used to. Though one was about this girl who creates fiends so it made me think of a cross between FFX-2 and Adventure Time. ... OHMIGOODGOLLYGREASHUSSSSS I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY VIDEO GAMES TODAY! TREASURE MOUNTAIN HERE I COME!!!

{Kudos to any of you that know that game, it'll always be legendary!}

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Week II of Culinary School + Life Update

Since Jonathan made a blog, I figured I might as well, too. It'll be a good way to document my progress with my education and allow anyone who is curious to have insight as to what is going on in the life of Angie.

To get to the first part of the title, I'll begin by saying that I'm currently halfway through my second week of my culinary education at Le Cordon Bleu in Mendota Heights {It's advertised as a Minneapolis/St. Paul school, but technically MH is where it's truly located.} Initially I'm enrolled in the Culinary Program, but around August/September, I'm switching over to the Patisserie & Baking Program, and honestly, I'm pretty stoked about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun with my class, and could not have been luckier to find a few other younger people with whom to connect, but I'm absolutely indescribably impatient to receive my P&B tool kit. AND I don't even have to pay for the new kit because all the tools I use in the one I have now will just be switched out.

In similar news, a little bit about about the class. Our instructor is essentially THE coolest chef I've ever met, and all the chef instructors are pretty neat as it is. The students are easy to be around, even though Jonathan and I are the youngest ones in our class. The next oldest would probably be at least 23-24. Some of them are old enough to be my parents, grandparents even. And I was really surprised to learn how many people in the military are enrolled there, as well. Two of them, Michelle and Rusty, are the ones to whom Jonathan and I talk most often, and they're really quite a lot of fun. They've already done deployments as well, and they're not much older than I. ... Okay, I take that back. Rusty is almost 10 years my senior. YOU ARE OLD, SIR. And you look like Seth Green. It's true and he knows it. I'll get a picture one of these days.

But anywho.. Out of respect for them, the lovely ladies I knew in boot camp, and any other military personnel that happens to wander across this blog, thank you for sacrificing so much for all us, civilians and brothers/sisters-in-arms alike.

Is it just me, or do I sound like an old fogey with how I type? Maybe it's just me.

But now for the life update. ... Which there really isn't much! Except for the fact that I'm awake at ridiculous hours these days. And that I have something similar to a buzz cut. Oh yes, yes I do. I know what a lot of you are thinking; "OH NOES! ANGIE DOES NOT HAS HAIR! WOE IS ME!" Yea well stuff it. It's easier to maintain.. but I don't think I'll ever do that again. I've been told I look like a lesbian. WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING but it's certainly not the message I would like to convey to the general public.

Well, I think I'll go bug Jonathan to get his arse up. We have stuff we gotta get done today and there's NO SLACKING ALLOWED! No sir-ree-bob. Not even at 0700.


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