
Week II of Culinary School + Life Update

Since Jonathan made a blog, I figured I might as well, too. It'll be a good way to document my progress with my education and allow anyone who is curious to have insight as to what is going on in the life of Angie.

To get to the first part of the title, I'll begin by saying that I'm currently halfway through my second week of my culinary education at Le Cordon Bleu in Mendota Heights {It's advertised as a Minneapolis/St. Paul school, but technically MH is where it's truly located.} Initially I'm enrolled in the Culinary Program, but around August/September, I'm switching over to the Patisserie & Baking Program, and honestly, I'm pretty stoked about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun with my class, and could not have been luckier to find a few other younger people with whom to connect, but I'm absolutely indescribably impatient to receive my P&B tool kit. AND I don't even have to pay for the new kit because all the tools I use in the one I have now will just be switched out.

In similar news, a little bit about about the class. Our instructor is essentially THE coolest chef I've ever met, and all the chef instructors are pretty neat as it is. The students are easy to be around, even though Jonathan and I are the youngest ones in our class. The next oldest would probably be at least 23-24. Some of them are old enough to be my parents, grandparents even. And I was really surprised to learn how many people in the military are enrolled there, as well. Two of them, Michelle and Rusty, are the ones to whom Jonathan and I talk most often, and they're really quite a lot of fun. They've already done deployments as well, and they're not much older than I. ... Okay, I take that back. Rusty is almost 10 years my senior. YOU ARE OLD, SIR. And you look like Seth Green. It's true and he knows it. I'll get a picture one of these days.

But anywho.. Out of respect for them, the lovely ladies I knew in boot camp, and any other military personnel that happens to wander across this blog, thank you for sacrificing so much for all us, civilians and brothers/sisters-in-arms alike.

Is it just me, or do I sound like an old fogey with how I type? Maybe it's just me.

But now for the life update. ... Which there really isn't much! Except for the fact that I'm awake at ridiculous hours these days. And that I have something similar to a buzz cut. Oh yes, yes I do. I know what a lot of you are thinking; "OH NOES! ANGIE DOES NOT HAS HAIR! WOE IS ME!" Yea well stuff it. It's easier to maintain.. but I don't think I'll ever do that again. I've been told I look like a lesbian. WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING but it's certainly not the message I would like to convey to the general public.

Well, I think I'll go bug Jonathan to get his arse up. We have stuff we gotta get done today and there's NO SLACKING ALLOWED! No sir-ree-bob. Not even at 0700.


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