
A "Nothing" Saturday

Well, I'm incredibly happy to say that this week has been incredibly successful! 

All of the tests I took for class I have passed {well, there was a written knife-cut test.. but thankfully we get two more tries at it. I still got a higher score than Jonathan and personally, that's all that matters. :D} so it makes me hopeful to see the score on the last test we took for College Success. But I mean really, it was all common sense, y'know? Don't cheat, utilize your resources, make sure you know who to go to for what, you have to become a cook before you can become a chef, etc. Overall, I.. well, -we-, are both doing really well in school and I can actually keep up with the friendly competition! Although we do have something of a little paper due on Wednesday, but it's not like this humongous essay with pages of double-spaced typing and pages of sources and such. Ha. I'm so happy culinary school is nothing like high school. Everything is so much more direct and to the point. I don't have to add fluff to my papers anymore! :D

Then yesterday, we hung out and shopped at the Mall of America with Rusty, Michelle, and their friend Jake {I think I got that right.. correct me if I'm wrong guys!} and saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was pretty decent, but I think I was expecting more out of a movie based off of Fantasia. I mean, the end battle definitely could've had more swooooosh to it instead of pewpewpewpewpew, but overall it wasn't bad.

And now, the very best part. A WHOLE SATURDAY OF NOTHING! I'm stoked! We -never-ever-ever-EVER-NO-WAY-NO-HOW-FAT-CHANCE-LARRY-MOE-CURLY have a free Saturday, much less a free weekend, or really, free anything. It'll be nice to do things at our own luxury today.

Well, I suppose that's really all that's gone on lately. Besides disturbing new Saturday morning cartoons. I mean really, they just don't make them like they used to. Though one was about this girl who creates fiends so it made me think of a cross between FFX-2 and Adventure Time. ... OHMIGOODGOLLYGREASHUSSSSS I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY VIDEO GAMES TODAY! TREASURE MOUNTAIN HERE I COME!!!

{Kudos to any of you that know that game, it'll always be legendary!}

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