Might as well put some pants on..
Cuz that sammich isn't going to make itself.
Though, how awesome would that be, really? Unfortunately, we don't live in Gir's reality where floors make sammiches. Thusly, I must do it myself.
Anywho, big weekend, even bigger holiday plans. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I'm going in for my first tattoo session on Friday at Forever Yours Tattoo in Anoka. Bright and early, 9:30 AM. But this also includes all the time it'll take for Carl to draw out the design. I wonder which of us will tap out first. I should probably also figure out what I'm going to wear.
By the way, don't use your phone to take pictures. They -will- break it. As another example of their bad-assery, here is what they did in winter of '09.
Then a baby shower and a Thanksgiving with friends this weekend. Ugh. Just the start to a long line of food being shoved into my mouth.
Thanksgiving with my mom's side, my dad's side, Jon's family.. goodness. And -everyone- {excluding Jon's grandparents, bless them for not being stereotypical and their Black Friday shopping} has their Thanksgiving on the -same- day at the -same- time. Bah! How am I supposed to coordinate around that?!
As an end note:
Half-naked Amazonians.
That is all.