Life is a rollercoaster..
And somehow, I'm not the one throwing back that lever to control it.
Life's been taking some pretty.. "interesting" turns lately. Mostly good, occasionally bad, even a little jacked up. But variety is the spice of life, no?
In no particular order, with no real emphasis on impact/importance/relevance/etc., this is what all has been happening lately:
I received a call last week from my store's competitor asking me to come in for an interview. And another the next day. And tomorrow I'm taking the assessment test. Say it with me, folks: That awkward moment when you're leaving your company for the competition.
About 3 weeks ago, I earned my gun safety certificate from Mindsight.
{yes, it says the 18th, but that's because it wasn't printed and handed to me until then. I technically earned it on Nov. 27th}
And I've only become a better shot since, unloading a solid 200 rounds into targets on Sunday.
I happened to get a call from a good friend of mine, about my fractal art. Our friend's mom wants to use it for business, and is willing to pay for the rights to the artwork and whatnot. I'm floored, blown away, amazed, honoured.. every sort of surprised and flattered emotion out there, along with impressed because there are so many people out there that will just take an image off Google and use it to make money, without any sort of regards to the original artist. So she's going to be looking through my albums and "attempt to narrow it down to 25." {she said this with a laugh, she said she thinks a lot of them are beautiful, which was a really great thing to hear!} I told her we could discuss prices after. I've never experienced this sort of transaction before, so I have no idea as to what to ask in terms of price. I don't want to cost her a business opportunity just because of price, though. I'll figure it out. Probably ask around with people who've done this before. Get estimates. Et cetera.
There's.. also been something quite recent that happened. Something I'm not even sure if it happened, outside of one -very- specific detail. And I know I'll never get the truth out of him. I know he knows.. His voice and actions reflected it the next day. But it's something with which I'll have to come to terms.. Eventually. But for now, I would like to kindly ask any interested individuals to maintain a healthy distance. I know most, if not all, of them don't read this blog, but just in case, for any who do.
Anywhos.. I don't know what time they currently open, but I think I might get ready and head out to Caribou. I don't know why I'm awake, but I have a chiropractor appointment at 10. If I fall back asleep, I know I'm going to miss it, so I might as well go by the 'bou mantra: "Life is short. Stay awake for it."
Later, interwebs.
Labels: Caribou, Fractal Art, Job, Life Update, Mindsight
Distance can be healthy, unless it becomes isolation. A balance is needed, for an isolationist attitude will spread and you can start alienating yourself from people you do not want to.
Congrats on the certificate.
- Josh
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